Greta Thundericeberg considered the natural choice to replace Scheer
Ottawa, ON | The Can News
Scheer announced his decision at a surprise caucus meeting before heading into the House of Commons. His resignation comes as a direct result of new revelations that he was using Conservative Party money to pay for his children’s private schooling, according to Conservative sources who spoke with the Can News.

Scheer resigned today and his children will start attending residential school next week.
Scheers’ kids were attending private school because he doesn’t trust the public system, and thought it was time for his children to get ahead. Unfortunately for him, now his children are in custody of Canada’s Social Services and they will start attending residential school next week.
“We need to isolate these children from the bad influence of their father…” said Ramadan Hussein – Minister of Families, Children and Social Development.


Moments after Andrew Scheer announced Thursday his intention to resign as Conservative party leader, speculation turned to who will replace him.
According to Rona AmhomeDepose – former interim leader of the Conservative Party – Greta Thundericeberg has been considered the natural choice to replace Andrew Scheer as the party leader. “Greta is young and there are a lot of similarities between her and Andrew…” said Rona.
During an interview earlier today, Andrew Scheer commented that Ms. Thundericeberg will have his 100% support. “It’s time for her to get ahead!” said Mr. Scheer.
But what Greta and Andrew have in common? Almost everything.

Here’s a small list of their similarities:
- They are young and both are not fit for the position they occupy
- They both think children should not attend public school
- They’ve never really worked outside politics
- Neither of them is an insurance broker
- They are both political puppets
- She cheated at school and he cheated at the CPC leadership race
- They both want to keep Canada under the Paris Agreement
- She lies. He lies too.
- They hate winter, otherwise she’d stay in Sweden and he’d stay in SK
- They both have problems answering off-script questions
- He has dual citizenship. She has dual personality.
- They both despise Donald Trump (well… all Liberals do.)

Regardless of the predictions, Andrew Scheer is moving on and will likely enjoy a well-earned rest with his family and friends over the holidays. The last several weeks must have been hell for him, and few people realize just how brutal, demoralizing and exhausting life in politics can be. We suspect the outgoing leader will wake up tomorrow having a terrible hangover after having several beers with his buddies this evening. (photo below)