kamala harris

Kamala Harris left abortion clinic, and her baby didn’t survive

Ms. Harris is the first US Vice-President to have an abortion in American history.

The Can News – Twin Cities, MN

US Vice-President Kamala Harris had a planned abortion Thursday in the Twin Cities, MN becoming the first vice-president ever to do so. Considering all the other past vice-presidents were men and they weren’t pregnant, it really was an historic moment!

While White House officials say they have largely reached the limits of their power to protect “women rights”, Kamala’s abortion has emerged as a linchpin of their re-election strategy.

Before her abortion procedure, Ms. Harris toured the clinic and delivered an emotional speech saying she was doing it for the country, and also because her baby had genetic Anencephaly (a serious birth defect in which a baby is born without parts of the brain – in this case, just like his mother).

“We already have Joe Biden, so I think we don’t need another slow person in the White House,” she added.

“We already have Joe Biden, so I think we don’t need another slow person in the White House.” – US Vice President Kamala Harris.

Photo: Vice-President Kamala Harris being examined prior her in-clinic abortion procedure

When entering the abortion room, Kamala Harris was faced with the difficult decision to choose among the abortion methods available at the clinic such as saline, D&C, D&E, vacuum aspiration, and the abortion pill. After some thought, she decided to go with the vacuum aspiration method.

“I wanted a very clean and quick procedure… When I saw a big Dyson vacuum cleaner at the corner of the room, I said, ‘That’s it!’ It was a no-brainer,” – Kamala Harris said with a cackled laugh.

I wanted a very clean and quick procedure… When I saw a big Dyson vacuum cleaner in the corner of the room, I said, ‘That’s it! ‘ It was a no-brainer.” – Kamala Harris.

FUN FACT: Minnesota has become a haven for abortion seekers since the Supreme Court overturned Roe v. Wade, ushering in restrictive laws and bans in neighbouring states. The Society of Family Planning, a health research organization, found that the average number of abortions in the state increased by about 76 percent in the year after the Supreme Court decision.